Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Breakfast at Bentick Street.

The breakfast at Bentick Street of Kolkata has acquired legendary heights. The makeshift shacks sit spawn in the middle of a busy open market, serving authentic chinese breakfast, commencing at wee hours in the morning and vanishing before the day starts.

As if a group of mystical oriental travellers apparate from their mystical lands with mystical but delicious victuals to cater to the gastronomical interests of the dwellers of the city and disappears before any investigation is made about them.

My journey started from the bowels of Bentick Street but ended after wandering through many a roads and alleys of the old Calcutta. The charm still hangs in the air......

Monday, December 04, 2006

Apples and Oranges.

Walk of Life.(A Gift for my Brother.)

A Shade less Ventured II

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

A Shade less Ventured I

A day in my city of wistful joy. . . . .